Day Two - Thursday, November 14

8:00 am Check-In & Light Breakfast

8:50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

  • Lili Belcastro Associate Director, Cell Therapy Development Raw Materials, Bristol Myers Squibb

Improving Final Drug Product Quality Through Sourcing & Characterizing Safe & Premium Raw Materials Used in Cell & Gene Therapy Development Process

9:00 am Deep-Dive Workshop: Shining a Spotlight on Key Considerations & Strategic Plans for the Sourcing of Safe & Reliable Raw Materials to Accelerate Production of Cell & Gene Therapies

  • Basak Clements Global Head of Materials Sciences Cell & Gene Therapy, Roche
  • Lili Belcastro Associate Director, Cell Therapy Development Raw Materials, Bristol Myers Squibb


Many safety considerations need to be thought through when sourcing raw materials, as when, where and how the raw material was made can have a major impact on the final drug product. Understanding the impacts and advantages of the different sources of each raw material is essential for ensuring safe and high-quality materials are bought and used in the drug development process.

Therefore, this workshop will cover:

  • Evaluating where is best to source different types of raw materials used in the development of cell and gene therapies
  • Understanding the different safety issues concerned with raw materials made using foetal bovine serum and human serums
  • Highlighting necessary documentation and characterization data to consider when sourcing a new raw material
  • Leveraging internal testing and characterization measures to ensure the raw material is of high enough quality and safe

12:00 pm Lunch Break & Networking

De-Risking Raw Materials Safety & Reliability Through Understanding Key Considerations for High-Risk Human Derived Materials & Single-Use Systems

1:00 pm Human-Derived Raw Materials & Their Associated Risks & Mitigation Strategies


  • Review of current guidelines
  • Risk assessment and emerging threats considerations for human derived raw materials
  • Adventitious agent contaminant risk mitigation strategies

1:30 pm Implementation of Raw Materials & Single-Use Systems in Commercial Manufacturing

  • Asif Mahmood Technical Director- Raw Materials, Bristol Myers Squibb


  • Development vs commercial requirement (RUO vs GMP)
  • Raw material risk assessment, fit for purpose testing
  • Extractable and leachable considerations

2:00 pm Roundtable Discussion: Achieving Alignment in Single-Use Systems to Improve Sustainability, Manufacturing Controls & Release Testing Approaches

  • Aida Rouzmehr Principal Material Science Engineer- Cell & Gene Therapies, Genentech


  • Streamlining manufacturing controls and testing for single-use systems to ensure alignment between SUT suppliers and drug developers for accelerated developments of safe and effective cell and gene therapies
  • Improving sustainability and waste management in single-use systems to reduce environmental impact of single-use containers in cell and gene therapy processes, including compliance with the latest environmental regulations
  • Ensuring Annex 1 Compliance of Sterile SUTs and SUT Supplier Audits

2:45 pm Afternoon Networking Break

Establishing Regulatory Compliance by Streamlining Supply Chain & GMP Manufacturing of Your Raw Materials to Develop Scalable Cell & Gene Therapies

3:15 pm Panel Discussion: Delving into the Regulatory Frameworks Governing the Use of Raw & Starting Materials, Including GMPs & Exploring Strategies to Achieve Compliance

  • Dawn Henke Executive Director, Standards Coordinating Body
  • Basak Clements Global Head of Materials Sciences Cell & Gene Therapy, Roche
  • Ashley Fernandez Quality Control Associate Director of Raw Materials, Neurotech Pharmaceuticals
  • Asif Mahmood Technical Director- Raw Materials, Bristol Myers Squibb


  • Navigating current regulatory guidance on biological raw materials for ensuring approvals in all regions
  • Discussing regulator’s expectation on translating from research to the clinic with proprietary materials to ensure patient safety and clinical approval
  • Discussion on areas of future policy for cell and gene therapy raw and starting materials to accelerate development of safe, scalable and cost-effective therapies for patients

4:00 pm Maintaining the CDMO Supply Chain, Ensuring Your Cell & Gene Therapy are Manufactured on Time


  • How to maintain your relationship with your CDMO to ensure that materials are delivered on time
  • Understanding your CDMO’s supply chain
  • How to get your CDMO supply chain to speak with the MST and Manufacturing teams to ensure part swaps and supply chain issues are resolved efficiently

4:30 pm Pharma 4.0 Enabling Next-Generation Manufacturing & Distribution of Raw Materials


  • Knowledge graphs for managing the supply chain of raw materials to ensure availability, quality and traceability throughout the development and manufacturing process
  • Exploring the benefits continuous real-time batch condition monitoring in regulatory compliance, efficiency and impact to patient
  • Multi-echelon digital twins to overcome supply chain challenges specific to gene therapy Manufacturing, such as short shelf lives of critical raw materials
  • Scope of generative AI to minimize variability in quality, costs and time

5:00 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Raw Materials for Cell & Gene Therapy Summit 2024