Welcome to the inaugural Raw Materials for Cell & Gene Therapy Summit

This summit is a premier gathering of cell and gene therapy raw material experts. This meeting will serve as a pivotal hub for Vice Presidents, Heads and Directors of Raw Materials, Process Development, Quality Control and CMC.

Explore unrivalled opportunities for transparent discussion, open-forum learnings and networking. This summit will provide cell and gene drug developers with tangible action points to reduce costs and development time towards bringing scalable, cost-effective and highly efficacious cell and gene therapies to market to address the unmet clinical need across the globe.

Raw Materials for Cell & Gene Therapy Summit


Establish a unified definition and testing strategy for raw and starting materials to ensure alignment between regulators, drug developers and suppliers with learnings from Genentech, Atara Biotherapeutics & Kiromic BioPharma

Reduce variability by implementing comprehensive strategies to enhance the reliability and consistency of raw material supply with insights from GlaxoSmithKline & Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Standardize raw material quality testing and reduce cost through establishing consistent protocols and procedures with learnings from BlueRock Therapeutics, uniQure & GenSight Biologics

Mitigate safety risks associated with using human-derived raw materials and extractable and leachable considerations for single-use consumables to ensure effectiveness with insights from Cabaletta Bio & Bristol Myers Squibb

Achieve regulatory compliance by streamlining supply chain and GMP manufacturing of your raw materials to develop scalable cell and gene therapies with learnings from Roche, Bristol Myers Squibb & Standards Coordinating Body

Here’s What Some of Our Speakers Have to Say About This Meeting:

“I have not seen a conference or a forum specific to raw materials. This will definitely help companies to interact and gain some exposure to regulatory expectations around raw materials and single-use systems. This will ensure that they are prepared when their product is ready for commercialization” 

Asif Mahmood, Technical Director- Raw Materials, Bristol Myers Squibb

“Raw materials and material qualification is an emerging filed and knowledge sharing is key in the overall success of the cell and gene therapy space.  A lot of suppliers cannot support the needs of the cell and gene therapy raw material quality attributes and establishing a base line for everyone to be on the same page is the beginning” 

Sona Bairamian, Director- Materials Science, Atara Biotherapeutics